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Are You Ready to Go?

It’s the night before you leave for France. Do you have these things finished?

If you have a pet, do you have all the paperwork ready for your pet sitter? These should include a letter for the vet, so they can treat your pet if necessary. Does the sitter know where the food and water are?

Do you have a house sitter? Do they have a copy of your insurance agent’s contact information?

Have you backed up all your devices? Your phone, computer, laptop, tablet…etc.

Are all your batteries charged? Even your spare ones?

Have you printed or downloaded your maps? GPS and phones work great…most of the time. Printed and downloaded ones are an added benefit.

Do you have enough cash? It’s easy to get some, if you can find an ATM. If you get it before you go, you don’t have to look for one and you don’t have to think about foreign transaction fees.

Are you medicines within the expiration date? Do you have a copy of your prescription?

Are your bags packed?

Can you get a good night’s sleep without worrying everything is ready?