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Not Travel Related…

I was mentioned in Terry’s daily post. This book was written several years ago about my dad and his box of memorabilia from WWII.

Like so many of us, I wish I had taken notes or recorded the stories he was willing to tell. Maybe I could have learned more about his time in the Army with the Red Bull National Guard from Minnesota and Iowa.

I think about him as Father’s Day approaches…

Check out Terry’s link here:

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Airport Parking

You’re driving to the airport to start your vacation. Do you know where you’re going to park?

Recently, I found a site you need to check out. Take a look at

Not only will they help with parking, there are coupons for parking, there is a downloadable packing list (and you know how I like lists), plenty of info on traveling, and so much more.

This is one site I’m going to bookmark. Take a look.

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What Are You Drinking This Summer?

Did you know more people in France drink Rose than white wine…at least that’s what I’ve read. There are good reasons for that.

Rose is an easily drinkable wine that’s relatively inexpensive.

Typically, producers pick the grapes early to keep the acidity high and the alcohol level low. There is minimal contact with the skins, thus the rose color.

Rose is ready to drink now. While you’re waiting for your Cab to spend its time maturing, you can drink Rose.

So…why not try some this summer? I am.

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Check Please, Bay Area

BackDoor Bistro and Check Please, Bay Area…what a fantastic combination.

BackDoor Bistro is in Vacaville…a wonderful, small bistro and wine bar. Lindsey, the chef, features local ingredients, creating dishes with foods that are in season. Her wine list is varied and well thought out. We are lucky to have her and her restaurant here in Vacaville.

Check Please, Bay Area features three different restaurants each show. Regular people, not food critics, check out each other’s restaurant and then get together to talk about them. I was fortunate to be one of those for one show.

This was the perfect opportunity to showcase BackDoor and to eat at two other wonderful restaurants. We had a blast filming and I can’t wait to see the finished product.

This show airs for the first time on Thursday, May 26, at 7:30 pm. The repeats are Friday, May 27, at 8:30 pm, Saturday, May 28, at 12 pm, and Friday, June 24, at 8:30 pm.

You can also stream in after it airs at Just look for Check Please, Bay Area.

Let me know what you think.

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Does Your Credit Card Company Know You’re Traveling?

I’ve written before how you need to call your credit card companies and bank to let them know you’ll be traveling. This is true for a trip across the US or one to Europe.

What happens if a charge is something your credit card company doesn’t recognize? Do they call you? If so, do they have the right number to call? Does your phone work in Europe? Or, do they send a text which you won’t receive until you’re home?

Make sure you not only notify them, but that you leave the best contact information with them.

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Check Please, Bay Area

Check out KQED, Channel 9, San Francisco on Thursday, May 26, at 7:30 pm.

I will be on the show, talking about the restaurant I recommended, Backdoor Bistro in Vacaville.

It repeats on Friday, May 27 at 8:30, Saturday, May 28 at 12 noon, and Friday, June 24 at 8:30 pm.

This was so much fun. Everyone was terrific and I had a blast.