Your trip is just around the corner. Are you ready?
Did you do your research before setting off to the airport? Let’s say you want to visit the Eiffel Tower in Paris. Maybe even go to the top. Did you know there are thousands of visitors all wanting to do the same thing?

You are sure to be disappointed if you arrive, expect to purchase your ticket, and head to the top. Those long lines? They are full of people who didn’t plan. If you really want to do this, plan well in advance and go online to look at tickets. Once you have your ticket reservation, read the time you need to arrive to stand in line with your ticket.
Perhaps it is your first time in London, and you want to see everything. Not the best idea. For one, you cannot possibly see everything. There is so much to be savored and so many places to explore. Be realistic and decide what is really important to you. Save some sights for the next time. Trust me, you’ll be happier.

Think about your connecting flights, your travel time, and what transportation you will be taking. Remember to factor in the time you need to wait for a bus or taxi or Uber.
Remember to relax. This is vacation, after all.
It is a good idea to schedule but not over plan. Getting lost in the back streets of Venice may be just the most fun of the trip.