Wisteria buds

At The Terraces Winery

View from Paraduxx
Looking for cheaper stays when you travel? Sign up for hotel rewards or loyalty programs. They all have them. And it doesn’t cost a thing to sign up. If you don’t mind more emails and you travel frequently, sign up for their email promotions also. Some give amazing deals only through emails.
If your travels take you overnight, try to stay in the same “chain” for as many nights as you can. Keep in mind that chains like Hilton and Marriott have many different hotels and different branches of hotels attached to them. Remember to use your membership number when making your reservation.
As your points add up, these can equate to free stays in that hotel chain. It used to be harder to redeem points at some hotels but with the economy, those hotels are wanting their beds filled. That’s good news for you.
Some hotels have options that let travelers use money to make up the difference if they don’t have quite enough points for the free stay.
Check out www.insideflyer.com, a website that tracks loyalty clubs.