Ponte Vecciho over the Arno River in Florence.
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Saturday Lunch
Travel Gadgets
E-Book Shield: Electronic readers have many strengths, but beach-friendliness has never been one of them. The new Kindle KlearKase, made from the same tough, transparent polycarbonate used in F22 fighter-jet windows, takes scratches, splashes, and errant grains of sand out of the equation
Protect Valuables: Nervous about taking a dip while your valuables sit unprotected on the sand? Tuck them in a Vacation Vault. The 7″ x 6″ x 4″ case keeps your keys and cash secure with a three-digit combination lock. The attached cable loops around picnic tables or beach chairs to ensure no one snags your things without making a scene.csnstores.com, $20
Futuristic Beach Blanket: Large towels are bulky and take forever to dry. Instead, flop down on the ingenious Grand Trunk Parasheet, a beach blanket made from nylon parachute material—it dries in minutes, is mildew resistant, and stays cool to the touch even in the blazing sun. Weigh it down via built-in corner pockets that can be filled with sand. llbean.com, $40
Waterproof Playing Cards: Stack the deck without getting it soggy with Invisible Playing Cards, by designer Peter Woudt. Made of transparent PVC, a flexible and durable plastic, the deck is easy to wipe down should it come in contact with saltwater or a melted ice cream cone. momastore.org, $8.50
Carry-on Sunscreen: Bulky bottles of sunscreen are decidedly TSA-unfriendly. SmartShield Towelettes provide waterproof (and sweatproof) SPF 30 protection that won’t trigger security. As a bonus, you get insect protection via chemical-free repellants like cedar essence and lemongrass, which remains effective up to four hours.smartshield.com, $16 (for a pack of 15)