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Lost Passport

What if you lose your passport while traveling?

If you are traveling overseas, first contact the police and then your embassy. You will need to show up in person to apply for an emergency one, which is only valid for a limited time. Once back in the US, you will need to apply for a new passport.

To make things easier create a passport emergency kit and take it to the embassy with you. This includes two passport photos, a photo ID, proof of US citizenship like a birth certificate or social security card, airline ticket or booking confirmation, and a police report if necessary. Seem like a lot of stuff that you do not normally travel with in your luggage? Most embassies will allow you to present an affidavit of identifying witness. This will be filled out by a fellow traveler, with a passport, who can attest that you are who you say you are.

If you are in the US you can report your passport stolen by first contacting the police. Then fill out a DS-64 form and mail it to the National Passport Information Center or call 1-877-487-2778.

It’s a hassle any way you look at it. Keep your passport safe!

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Searching for hotels for your summer vacations? How many sites do you search? I really don’t think there is a one-size-fits-all site out there. But there are several great ones you can use in combination with each other to find some amazing deals.

You may want to add these sites if you don’t already have them on your list: find the breakdown of all amenities included in your hotel’s cost for travelers who prefer staying at independently owned properties previously a metasearch site for airfare, you can now find hotels find hotels overseas using this metasearch engine this unique site researches room by room for amenities you want seven hotel chains (Best Western, Choice Hotels, Marriott, Hilton, Hyatt, InterContinental, Wyndham) list their rooms together in a new search engine mostly for business type hotels located at America’s largest airports and financial districts

Some of these you need to create an account, some offer email deals, some you just need to look at for great deals. Check them out.

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Beach Blanket Babylon

Beach Blanket Babylon continues to delight audiences with its witty somewhat irreverence to the city by the bay. Amusing audiences since 1974, Steve Silver’s hit show has become a jewel of San Francisco.

One thing you will notice is the hats…the HUGE and crazy hats. In fact, they are supposedly the largest hats in the world. No photos are allowed inside. Trust me…the hats are amazing if not crazy at times.

This is a treat everyone should see. We keep going back because the show keeps changing. Nothing is left out. If it’s in the news…you’ll find it here. If it’s outrageous…you’ll find it here. Pop culture, politics, music, love, the world, San Francisco, Elvis…you just can’t describe it. You have to see it to believe it.

Good luck…Snow White. Or was that Snow Cone?

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Cable Car Museum

Check out the Cable Car Museum next time you are in San Francisco. This is just one of some wonderful historical attractions. This one is free and you can learn about the history of the cable cars.
These huge engines and winding wheels pull the cables for the cars.

Other devices used throughout the history of these cable cars, historical old cable cars, and photos from the Earthquake and Fire of 1906 are displayed as well. Ring an actual cable car bell…

Underneath the street the grip and die plays an important part in how cable cars work.

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Summer Trip Ideas

Want to stay in the United States for vacation this summer? Want some activity on your trip? Check out these ideas…

Yosemite National Park is one of the must see parks as far as I’m concerned. Explore one of the unique parts…Mariposa Grove or the Giant Sequoias; Glacier Point for the best views; Yosemite Falls, the highest falls in North America; and Half Dome.

Key West, Florida, with its clear waters is a diving paradise for shipwrecks. If diving isn’t quite your thing, snorkeling and parasailing might fit the bill.

Death Valley, CA, with its combination of sand dunes, canyons, and high peaks offers plenty of land to hike and explore. Check our Telescope Peak or Desolation Canyon.

Lake Tahoe in the summer offers more hiking, boating, and stunning views. Whatever you do and where ever you go…have fun.

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Crabby in Half Moon Bay

Pelicans stand guard along the water’s edge in Half Moon Bay.

Waiting for scraps from the fishermen or waiting to grab a fallen morsel from a demanding gull…
Crab season seemed to be in full swing Sunday afternoon. Fishermen all along the pier had crabs for sale.

Buckets and buckets of crabs…

So of course…lunch was crab. Delicious…

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Airplane Etiquette

Recently I read some plane etiquette tips from professional communication coach Roshini Rajkumar. I added a few of my own. All great advice.
Airplane Etiquette 101

* Use your indoor voice.

* Be aware of how much you drink as to not get tipsy or drunk.

* Share the armrest. The rule tends to be the passengers on the aisle and window each get one armrest; the poor soul in the middle gets two.

*If you are on an aisle or window, lean that direction and give the person in the middle more breathing room.

*When reclining your seat, do it slowly and gently as to not smash the person’s knees behind you. Remember that, although you want to be as comfortable as possible, the person behind you needs legroom as well.

* Use headphone for electronic devices. People around you do not need to listen to your music or movie.

* Store your carry-on above YOUR row. Do not grab the first overhead bin you see. That space belongs to someone else.

*Dress comfortably, but appropriately. Remember you will be sitting next to strangers and they do not need to look at your cleavage the whole plane ride. Be freshly bathed and avoid strong perfumes and colognes.

*Consider using the bathroom when other folks in your row are using it as well. Avoid making people get in and out of their seats several times.

* The window shade is not a toy. Put it up or leave it down. Do not continue to play with it. If putting it down, ask others in your row they mind. Some passengers might need it open for a sense of calm and safety.

* Cell phones should not be used on a plane. Games and other devices should only be used when deemed appropriate by airplane personnel and with headphones.

* Do not bring food on the plane that will have a strong or lingering smell.

* Wait until your row has arrived to leave the plane. There is no need to jump on and clog the aisles. Waiting patiently, in your seat, will make the deplaning process much easier.

* Try your best not to be annoyed with kids on the plane. Parents are trying to best to make the plane ride as peaceful and as enjoyable as possible for both their child and for you.

* Offer polite chitchat with your seatmate, but know when the conversation should end. If your seatmate is trying to read or waiting to work, give them the change to use the time how they would choose.

* Carry your bag in front of you as you walk down the aisle. This will help you avoid hitting other passengers as you walk by them.

* Don’t grab the seat in front of you when you are getting up from your seat. You will yank the seat back and bother the person in front of you.

When traveling with kids

* Bring all the proper gear for feeding, napping, changing, soothing, etc. so their basic needs can always be met without leaving their seat.

* Keep your kids busy. Make sure you bring enough activities to keep them happy.

* Do not let them continue to kick the seat in front of them or continuously put up and bring down the tray table.

* Be prepared to entertain the entire way. This will not be a relaxing flight for you. You will not get to read your book or take a nap.