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Do Before You Travel

Your plans are made, tickets purchased, and hotels are reserved. That’s just the beginning of the trip planning process. Depending upon how long you will be gone, you will need to do a few more things before you leave home.

If you have pets, do you have a pet sitter or are they going to a kennel? Do you have a house sitter or someone to look after things? Did you give that person a list with your itinerary and phone numbers? Did you stop your newspaper or is someone going to pick it up out of your driveway or sidewalk?

If you are travelling outside of the US, do you need to get some foreign currency before you leave? Or, do you know where you can get it once you land? Keep in mind, you will pay an exchange rate. Know where those are the highest and avoid those spots.

Did you call your credit card companies to let them know you will be charging in a location other than your home state? This is especially true if leaving the US.

Check to see if your phone works wherever you are travelling. If it is in the US, do you need your earpiece?

Did you check the weather before you packed? Do you need that rain coat or umbrella? Do you have your maps and guidebooks?

Did you make your list…and check it twice? Happy Travelling.

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Seashells as Souvenirs

Souvenirs from trips are fun to collect, but you don’t always have to buy them. When visiting the beach, pick up seashells or small rocks. Carry a resealable plastic bag with you to keep them away from the rest of your things. Once you are settled in your hotel or once you arrive back home, remember to wash the shells to make sure there are no unwanted critters still living in them.

These natural reminders of your trip will probably mean more once you get them back home than if you spent money on something.

Not sure what to do with them once you get home? Fill a small dish with the shells and place it in your bathroom. Or use the seashells and rocks around your potted plants or in your garden. If you visit several beaches, fill a glass jar or container to display them. You could even add some beach sand in the bottom of the jar.

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Wild Cats and Wine at Peterson Winery

The Wild Cat Education and Conservation Fund gave us a glimpse of two cats living in northern California.

They take these and other cats to schools to teach kids about our native animals.

At Peterson Winery, we met a bobcat and a mountain lion. Both are wild animals, not trained pets. Both were amazing.

The credentialed teachers combine fun and learning for school kids. For us…it was the same. Fun and educational. Each cat was presented on a leash and the teachers explained natural habitat, behaviors, and the individual animal’s characteristics.

They have several wild cats including cheetah, bobcats, ocelots, servals, Canada lynx, Siberian lynx, Geoffryoy’s cat, and mountain lions.

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City Passes Can Save You Time and Money

Many cities such as Paris, London, New York, and Rome offer city passes which include admission to popular museums, galleries, and attractions. Some include transportation passes. Most allow you to skip the long check in lines and go directly to the will call or purchased ticket lines. Check to see how many days you will be in that city and then purchase your pass for one day or for multiple days.

Almost all will save you money and time, allowing you to spend more time visiting your favorite sites.

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Lose Your Passport? Here’s What To Do

What should you do if your passport is stolen or lost?

If you feel it has been stolen, immediately visit the local police station. File a report and make sure to get a copy of that report.

If you are abroad, your next step should be to visit the US Embassy or Consulate. Bring all of your identification and documentation with you, as well as someone who can vouch for you if necessary. You should be able to receive a temporary passport.

If you are in the US, file the police report and then fill out form DS-64 from the State Department. This will allow you to apply for a new passport. You will need the appropriate documentation as if filing the first time.

Either way, you can get a replacement.