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Last Day of Vacation

Your last day of your vacation is coming to a close. You need to pack, find your plane reservation, figure out what you did with the car rental agreement, remember where you put your house and car keys, find the right cash in the right currency, and maybe more.

What if you planned your last day at the same time you planned your first day? Have a packet or resealable bag with all the stuff you need as you exit your hotel room. You could keep a copy of your airline reservation, the rental car agreement, your car and house keys, some extra cash, and any other documents or information you will need. Everything is in one place, easy to see, and you can grab it out without digging through your carry on.

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Phone Numbers

Let’s say you are delayed or your flight was cancelled due to weather. You need to call your hotel to let them know you’ll be late or that you won’t arrive at all. You look at your reservation email and it has the hotel’s 800 number or the main booking number, but not the hotel’s direct number. You’d like to call the hotel directly so you don’t encounter a charge for not cancelling in advance. What do you do?

Probably search for it this time…and eventually find it.

Or…next time when you book, put the hotel’s direct number in your cell phone. That way, you have it with you. If you’re at the airport, at home, in a cab, or on the street…it’s in your phone. It’s just so much easier.

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Vellum Wine Tasting

Wonderful day for wine tasting on Sunday. Starting with the Vellum White…

Vellum wines, paired with great foods, were a real treat. The weather was perfect…the wines were amazing…a great day.

The 2008 Cab was outstanding…the 2009 will be. We put ours down for its nap. We’ll wake it in about five years.

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Half Moon Bay

Half Moon Bay during crab season is a lively place.

It’s a great way to spend a Saturday.

Colors are everywhere.

Along the coast on the way to Half Moon Bay, the waves were high enough for many surfers. They rode the waves along with the seals…who seemed to be having as good a time as the surfers. With a brilliantly clear blue sky, it was the perfect day for a drive.