One good idea when staying in a hotel in a different city is to take a business card from the front desk on your way out to explore the city. Since locals usually don’t pronounce words the same way in their native language as we do…you may have a hard time telling the taxi driver the name or address of your hotel. Instead, show him the card and make life easier for everybody.
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Travel Quote
Sunday Afternoon in Napa
Phone Numbers
Have you ever stood in line behind someone who is searching every pocket in their vest, pants, carry on bag, or purse for their boarding pass and id card? That’s not fun for anyone!
Make sure you know exactly where yours are before you get to the front of the security check in line. I always try to keep them in the same spot in my purse. That way…I know where they are.
You’re Not in Kansas, Anymore
People watching is a great pastime when sitting at a sidewalk cafe in Venice or drinking coffee at a stand up bar in Sienna or standing in line in Luxembourg. Overhearing their conversations is just as amusing.
What constantly amazes me is the number of times I hear something like…”in America we get faster service” or “I want my coffee just like I drink it back home.”
Well…the bottom line is, you are not back home. You are on vacation in Europe or some other country. You are there to experience the culture of that country. Things might be done differently. But, isn’t that why you travel…to experience another country and their way of doing things?
Enjoy the differences and have fun.
Pockets and Purses
You are at the airport…
You’ve removed your watch, bracelets, belt, coins, and anything else that could create a problem going through security. You’ve placed them in the small container and put that in the larger bin on the conveyor belt. Standing in line waiting for your bin to exit the scanner, you are probably thinking of how to quickly get to your gate. Maybe there’s a whole line of people and you just want to get out of the way.
Have you ever left anything in one of those little bins? Have you dropped change all over the floor in hurrying to get going? This past week I watched a couple do just that. Security lines were long. I’m sure they were just trying to be nice and get out of the way. First, she dropped her bracelets that were laying on her jacket in the bin. Then she dropped her jacket. He dropped a whole bunch of change, his clippers, and his belt when he accidentally upset his bin when he picked it up.
They were embarrassed. The line was held up as people tried to help find their things.
Next time…place all small items in your jacket pocket,your purse, or your carry on bag. You have to put that item in the bin to go through security anyway. If you carry change in your pants…place it in a zippered pocket of your jacket or in a pouch in your carry on so it won’t escape in the ride through the scanner. You only need to grab your shoes and your bag or jacket. No standing around grabbing for small items. The line moves and you get going.
You’re not going to need these items immediately once you get through security. So why not make the time spent in security for you and for everyone in line behind you go a little more smoothly?
Do You Carry Cash?
Credit cards are accepted almost everywhere you go. But, what if you want to pick up some small purchases at a street fair? Or, what if you want to grab a cup of coffee from the local bar? Cash comes in handy. It’s quick, easy, and often appreciated.
You don’t have to carry a lot of cash. Just have some to use when necessary.
If you do want to use your credit card and you aren’t sure if the vendor takes them, be sure to ask before you receive any kind of service or goods. Asking first saves everyone a lot of grief and embarrassment.
Should You Drink the Water?
Huskies can drink the water just about anywhere. But, should you?
Depending on your destination, you may not want to let any of the water near your mouth. This means drinking it, brushing your teeth with it, and letting it close to your mouth in the shower. This also means ice cubes in cold drinks or frozen cocktails should be avoided. And, think twice about salads where the lettuce is washed in local water and not cooked.
Just to be safe, bottled water is the best if you are uncertain about the water in the country where you are.
What to Wear on Your Flight
You have a long flight ahead of you, not to mention going through airport security. What’s the best choice for clothes? Layers are always good. You can add or delete depending upon the temperature in the airport, on the plane, and your final destination. Opt for an easy to remove sweater or light jacket.
Loose fitting clothes are a good idea, too. Since the cabin is pressurized you want to be able to get up and walk around without tight clothes making your circulation even more strained.
How about your footwear? You have to remove your shoes. Make sure you can easily get them on and off. Consider comfort here as well. If you will be walking around the terminal or will be walking when you deplane, you should wear your most comfortable shoes.