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Traveling With Credit Cards

Remember to contact your credit card company to let them know you will be making purchases and using that card outside your normal location. This is especially true if traveling outside the US.

Look for transaction fees. Many credit card companies charge foreign transaction fees that can be around 3%. You can check out to compare cards and companies.

Always have a back up card. Or, if traveling with a spouse or significant other…each take a different card with you.

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Traveling With Your Phone, part 2

Remember to bring your phone charger with you when you travel. If you are outside the US, check to see what type of plug and voltage are used in your destination. If you pack the right converters, you can charge your phone just like you do anywhere.

If you have a phone with data roaming features, you may want to turn that off before your flight. This will tell your phone not to connects to data networks outside of your home network. This also helps in keeping the data roaming charges less.

Same with automatic emails. You could be using data without knowing it. If you turn off the auto features, your charges should be less.

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Traveling With Your Phone

When you travel, do you use your phone for more than making calls? Probably. Most of us use our phones for photos, texting, staying connected in a variety of ways, and keeping up with our friends.

You don’t want huge roaming or other unwanted charges. This is especially true if you’re traveling outside the US. What do you do if you want a phone but don’t want those charges?

Call your service provider before you pack that bag. There may be options for international calling or data plans. They may offer rental options so you can have a local phone to use when traveling.

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Travel Tips

Just a few random travel tips from some readers… You probably already know these, but it’s good to hear them again.

Visit off season to avoid crowds. Anytime you can avoid crowds of people, especially in popular destinations, is a good thing.

Pack light…

Use the local transportation…metro, subway, etc.

Book tickets for events, museums, attractions, etc. online before you go.

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Travel Trends

Where do you stay when traveling? Do you get a hotel or an apartment or vacation home? One of the trends seems to be in what people are renting. Staying for one night in a hotel makes sense. But, what about a week or more?

When we travel we like to have space to move around and spread out. That means renting an apartment or someone’s vacation home. Usually, it’s more cost effective and comfortable. We also find it gives us a better experience when wandering around the city.

You can check out the place you’re renting on line, check the neighborhoods on line, and even get a street view on line.

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Recently I read that traveling keeps you younger. Do you agree? I believe it.

Traveling gives you a sense of what other cultures and places are like. Traveling lets you experience those different cultures and places…if you let them. Don’t think everything has to be like it is’back home’. It shouldn’t be…you are in a different place than you were at home.

Enjoy the experience.

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Vouvray Wines

Four different wines from Vouvray, France. All are Chenin Blanc wines…all different. In one I could definitely taste the limestone, mineral soil. Another one was fruitier but still crisp. Of course, the bubbly was a favorite of mine.

Wonderful tasting and food pairing. Thanks to Joel, TasteLive, and the people who sent the wonderful wines.

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Walking Tour Apps

Has anyone used any of these apps when exploring cities?

Field Trip is free for Android and iOS. It is a Google designed app that uses your phone’s location service to pick up on what’s cool around you.

Historypin is free for Android, iOS, Windows Phones. You can pick a landmark and see what it looked like a hundred years ago.

Stray Boots does cost per tour for Android and iOS. Families or groups may enjoy the combination of a city tour with a scavenger hunt.