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Help…I’ve Lost My Wallet! Some Travel Tips

Lost your wallet when traveling?

Here are a few tips if you think it’s lost.

Contact your bank to change your PIN and cancel and replace your ATM card.

Contact your credit card companies. You should be traveling with only one or two, but call them immediately.

File a report with the hotel where you’re staying, the local police, and anyone else your concierge recommends.

You will need to contact the DMV to replace your driver’s license when you return home.

You will need to contact any insurance companies, if you carry those cards with you.

Pay close attention in the next few weeks to your bank statements, credit cards, and anything else that doesn’t look right.

To back up a few steps…what are some things you really don’t need in your wallet when you travel?

Your Social Security card…leave it in a safe place at home.

Any cheat cheats with PINs or passwords, especially for bank accounts.

Blank checks…not a good idea.

Your Medicare card…after all, it has your Social Security number on it. Instead, make a copy, block our several digits of your SSN, and keep that in your wallet. Hospitals can look you up if they need to.