If you travel very much, you probably appreciate a nice hotel room…one that is well thought out, comfortable, unquestionably clean, and with amenities that make your stay a pleasure.
But, what happens if you discover annoying features? How do you deal with them?
In the past, bedspreads may have been ugly, sad, unwashed items placed on top of the bed. Now, it seems the duvet covers that are washable are the norm. But, what do you do if you open the door and see one of the bedspreads that should have been retired long ago? You could throw it in the corner…probably the best bet. Then, when you get back home, write a review of that hotel. If everything else was okay, you don’t need to trash the hotel in the review. But, do mention the outdated bedspreads. It might be important to the next guest.
How about those water bottles sitting on a tray by the television greeting you as you walk in? Nice touch, huh? Maybe. Maybe not. Be sure to look for a tiny sign that tells you the price of those bottles. They could be free. But, many times are not.
Flimsy curtains? Pack an eye mask so you can sleep as long as you like.
Outlets that require you to stand on your head to find them? Pack your own small extension cord.
Many times reading reviews ahead of time will give you some idea of issues or inconvenient things about a hotel and its rooms. And, if you like the place…write a review. Or if there is something you wish you would have known before booking…write a review.