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Travel Habits


When I first read an article about bad travel habits, several things came to mind. Some made sense, and some aren’t really bad habits…just not the best way to travel.

What do you think?

Not Learning the Exchange Rate Before You Go:

Not necessarily a bad thing, but if you have an idea of the exchange rate, you won’t spend all your time figuring out what the costs are. Even better, get a currency exchange app for your phone. Problem solved.

Overbooking Your Vacation:

This seems like a problem to me. You’re never going to see it all, so why make yourself miserable by failing to get in everything?

Not Splurging When You Should:

Everybody has things they hate to spend money on. Think about this ahead of time and give yourself a budget or an item to splurge on. Then you won’t have to worry about it.

Booking at the Last Minute:

Sometimes this can’t be helped. Sometimes it bites you. Plan ahead.

Packing Issues:

Do you procrastinate and pack at the last minute? Does that cause you to pack too much or too little? Make a list and set aside a time to pack.

Not Learning Some Basic Words:

At the very least, learn Please and Thank You. Toss in Good Morning or Good Night. Put an app on your phone.