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Travel Gadgets

We all travel with gadgets…some we use, others we don’t. Recently I read a post on Budget Travel about some gadgets to take next time you travel.

A mini power strip helps you plug in your phone, laptop, iPod, etc. all in the same place. You will only take up one plug in spot in airports and everything will be plugged in in one spot in your hotel room.

How many travel mugs do you have? Think about packing one of them to keep your sunglasses from getting squashed, holding delicate souvenirs or a place to store extra cash if your hotel room does not have a room safe.

Safety pins double as a multi-functional travel tool. They can be used to clasp zippers of your day pack together to deter thieves, replace a button or zipper pull, hold torn clothing together or hem your skirt. And they take up so little room.

Light weight tote bags work for shopping, picnics, the beach or dirty laundry. Check out greenbaglady.blogspot to get ideas for other uses and perhaps qualify for one.