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Less Expensive Trips

Let’s say you want to visit your favorite city or big time attraction…but you don’t want to spend tons of money. What do you do? Here are a few suggestions that may work for you.
Plan ahead…
Look at websites for the city or attraction. There may be special coupons or event passes available only online. Check out places like or to see if there are any specials coming up in the near future. You may have other favorite sites you check. Sign up for email alerts for that city. You can always “unsubscribe” after your trip. Download coupons, specials and tickets in advance.
Plan your days…
If possible plan on mid-week stays rather than week ends. Many hotels and attractions offer better rates during the week. And try to go when everyone else is NOT going there. It may be cheaper and less crowded.
Want to take home souvenirs? Try the local supermarket instead of tourist shops. You never know what you might find for considerably less than in the tourist shops. Purchase some local specialties for your friends and family. What’s better than English Tea…from a corner grocery store? Or real vanilla…from a grocery shop in Mexico?