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Lake County, California

Clear Lake is California’s largest natural freshwater lake.

Lake County’s volcanic past is evident as you travel up, down and through different terrain. Crops vary from olive trees to nut trees, from red grapes to white grapes, from pears to pears depending upon the soil. Clear Lake, at 1,326 feet, sits at the foot of a dormant volcano.

Even though the volcano is dormant, geothermal activity is still apparent in the natural hot springs throughout the area, as well as the Geysers, the world’s largest complex of geothermal energy resource in southern Lake County.

Mount Konocti, the dormant volcano, rises 4,300 feet.

Lava flows resulted in a diversity of soils that are obsidian rich and high in mineral content. Black rocks, obsidian, shine in the sun along road ways.
More on wine tomorrow…